
In this training session Josephine demonstrates a good pushing technique using a metronome to keep a solid push. The metronome should be set at 120 beats per minute to replicate a race situation. Therefore this exercise is very specific to race riding.

World Champion Amateur rider Josephine Chini demonstrates how to maximise her time using the RPSimulator to build her strength, balance ad cardiovascular fitness.
I challenge anyone to post a workout that is as solid as this!

This rider, who has a good solid pushing technique and excellent balance builds up to pushing at a realistic race rhythm (120 beats per minute) for 20 seconds and then maintaining a static race position for 10 seconds; he is able to repeat this 4 times.


This video shows how to adjust the pressure in the RPSimulator shock pump which will help users to gain the best results from the RPSimulator


This video shows how quick you can fold up the RPSimulator for storage (which takes about 32 seconds)!